Friday, March 27, 2015

Just another update.

I really like this blogging thing to be honest. It is very relaxing.
Class ended before I got to tell you about my trip to California in December. I got to visit 3 or 4 beaches in the same day. The weather was very nice. I went to Hollywood and there I took pictures of the stars. I went to 3 museums and my favorite was the wax museum. I got to finally see the Hollywood sign. I have been wanting to see that ever since I was super young. I had a blast!

Anyways, well I have a little over a month and then I will be graduating high school! I am super excited! Last week was spring break. It was awful. Right at the beginning of it, I had a skateboarding accident and I got a concussion and severely bruised my ankle. Now, almost 2 weeks later and I am sitting in school struggling to stay awake and remember my assignments. I just took a mid-term and I would say all in all I knew the answers to about 5 questions out of 100. In English I am doing a huge project on Nirvana. I finally finished the cover. I am listening to Smells Like Teen Spirit right now.

I am about to get back to work now because I have a lot to catch up on.

Until next time!