Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Dear whoever this may concern,

Whenever you visit a McDonalds, make sure they get your order correct. I can NOT tell you how many times they have screwed up my order, or anyone else I have been with for that fact. Tell me why my hot chocolate tastes like glazed donut vodka? I honestly don't understand. Tell me why I asked for an M&M Mcflurry, but they gave me an oreo one. Don't you dare say I'm complaining too much. I paid $1.50 for that meal and I am entitled to my rights to make a complaint. Or what about that time there was a hole in the bottom of my cup? Hmmmm? Explain that one. Or the time they gave me a McChicken when I asked for a chicken SNACK WRAP. They put honey mustard on it when I asked for Chipotle. I could go on and write a series of novels about why McDonalds sucks. Especially their service.... Like why must you roll your eyes at  me when I ask for a packet of ketchup? You got something against me?

With great love and regrets,

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